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2K Outstanding Member of the Month of May Each month 2k management selects one member to be highlighted for their achievements on and off the water representing 2k Jigs. This month we would like to recognize Derek Masters.  Derek is the type of guy that any company would be happy to have represent them. His hard work, creativeness, and passion for the fishing industry is contagious among our team. Derek's greatest quality is his wiliness to lend a hand. Many times throughout his years at 2k he has stepped up in leadership roles, helped with design, marketing material and trade show work.  Below is a Q&A...

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For longer than he probably cared to hear it, I clamored to the owner of 2K Jigs to make a beefed up version of the Powerlock able to be thrown on baitcasting gear. My fantasy became reality last year and Dan introduced the Powerlock HD. 

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It is difficult for most people to wake up before it’s light on a weekend, even if they are going fishing. Now, try this, buy a plane ticket to another city and justify getting up in the dark to watch someone drive their boat away from the dock and go fish for the day while you walk back to you’re hotel room to have breakfast. Ask an Angler who follows professional fishing and they won’t flinch when faced with this dilemma if they know they are attending the Bassmaster Classic. 

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Winter. It’s dumb. It’s long. It’s cold. I won’t even pretend to like it for the sake of an article. If you live inthe great white north like I do, you probably spend time dodging polar vortex’s, shoveling snow, andlonging for open water.Why do we live here? Why does anyone live here? How do I make it through this as a non-ice fishingwinter-loathing bass fisherman? If I don’t fish soon, I am going to start punching strangers. ComeFebruary each year, things like this start to creep in my head. I assure you it takes only one bigsmallmouth the first time...

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....Morning, a foggy haze looms, dawn cracking through the east Texas pines. Windows down, making our way down a winding dirt road. Toledo Bend reservoir, early 80's. As tough it was yesterday the memory remains. A small child, hurrying his grandfather “think they'll bite today pawpaw?”, a smile and a promising look “maybe so son, maybe so”

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